Toddlers & Twos
TTWS provides a safe, nurturing environment to help toddlers and two year olds build the trust necessary to explore the world around them.
Toddlers: 2 days (Tue/Thur) and 3 days (Mon/Wed/Fri)
Twos: 3 days (Tues/Wed/Thur), 4 days (Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur) Fun Friday (Every Friday)
Daily Schedule 9a - 12:20p
The daily routine for this age group is designed to meet their needs at their pace and to encourage development of self-help and separation skills. Children enjoy indoor play, snack, lunch, and outdoor play on the toddler playground or two's playground.
Teachers plan developmentally appropriate activities using Creative Curriculum and Conscious Discipline.
Teacher Child Ratio
Enrichment Activities
Toddlers & Twos have music twice per month. Twos have My Gym twice a month beginning in January each year. There is a one-time activity fee for these activities.
Find Us:
1900 Queens Rd.Charlotte N.C. 28207
Call Us:
P: 704.377.1683F: 704.372.5150