Extended Day
Extended Day programs are offered after 12:30pm Monday through Friday (additional fees apply).
Cornwell Center Before & After School Programs
The Cornwell Center is part of the Myers Park Baptist Church campus.
Before School Program ages 2-5
8:00a-9:00a M-F
Children are walked to their classes at 9:00am.
After School Program ages 2-5
12:30p-2:30p M-F
Children move from TTWS to the Cornwell Center for indoor and outdoor activities. (must be potty-trained)
12:30p-2:30p M-F
Children already enrolled at Cornwell Center can "drop-in" for the day. Reservation is required before carpool begins that day.
Soccer Shots
Ages 3-TK
12:35p-1:05p M,T, or W
Using creative and imaginative games, weekly sessions focus on basic soccer skills (dribbling, passing and shooting) as well as positive character traits (respect, teamwork and appreciation). Pick-up at the front of the Cornwell Center.
Sept-Dec and Jan-May
Contact: Mike Stiner mstiner@soccershots.org
Serve It UP Tennis
Ages 3-TK
12:35 - 1:05p Tuesdays Preschool students receive professional tennis instruction in the Cornwell Center gym from Serve It UP certified tennis professionals. This program focuses on building hand-eye coordination and quickness through concentrated footwork.
Contact: Todd Upchurch, Director at todd@serveituptennisacademy.com or call 704.625.6552
Find Us:
1900 Queens Rd.Charlotte N.C. 28207
Call Us:
P: 704.377.1683F: 704.372.5150